Lars is in love with Fall leaves. It really is beautiful in the Midwest this year.

Fall Leaf
Nov 4, 2018 @ 11:15am
Blue Screen Life

Getting the weekend started with Blue Screen Life by Pinback. Released 17 years ago in October, still one of my favorite albums. Listen on Spotfiy.

Nov 3, 2018 @ 10:15am

We recently went to a rodeo in central Kansas, so Lars thinks cowboys are pretty cool now.

Aug 30, 2018 @ 5:45pm

Been drawing a lot of frogs this week.

Aug 11, 2018 @ 10:30pm

A couple more drawings to finish out the week.

Jul 27, 2018 @ 5:30pm

I recently started drawing my kid something everyday to get back in the habit of sketching. Mostly things he's into, like dinosaurs, robots, and seashells. Here's a few of my favorites from the past week.

To the Moon and Back
Jul 19, 2018 @ 7:00pm

KEXP just posted a set from Pedro the Lion recorded live in their studio this past December. I was obsessed with their album Control in 2002. I'll have to blast that on the big speakers today.

Mar 23, 2018 @ 12:00pm