One of Lars' first stuffed animals was a panda spontaneously gifted to him by his cousin. It's still a favorite.

Mar 1, 2023 @ 9:30am

Lars loves staying up late to watch the fireflies.

Jun 28, 2021 @ 2:15pm

Time to get out and hit some ponds! I sure hope Lars likes fishing when he gets older.

Fishing Frog
May 20, 2019 @ 9:30am

Lars loves all of the flowers popping up this Spring.

Apr 5, 2019 @ 7:30pm

Back when I had a little more time, I liked to create multi-colored linocuts. I really loved carving for days, not being able to see the results until the first print. Some day I'd like to get back into that, but in the meantime I've tried to recreate the same technique digitally. It's not quite as therapeutic, but it is fun drawing in reverse. I've been experimenting with how to achieve the look using Lars' favorite cartoons as the subject matter. This one is Wanda and the Alien.

Wanda and the Alien
Jan 25, 2019 @ 2:30pm

Sometimes my 3 year old is into stuff that's not very fun to draw... but the smile on his face is worth it. This kid is obsessed with smoke detectors right now!

Smoke Detector
Nov 13, 2018 @ 8:30am

Lars is in love with Fall leaves. It really is beautiful in the Midwest this year.

Fall Leaf
Nov 4, 2018 @ 11:15am

We recently went to a rodeo in central Kansas, so Lars thinks cowboys are pretty cool now.

Aug 30, 2018 @ 5:45pm

Been drawing a lot of frogs this week.

Aug 11, 2018 @ 10:30pm

A couple more drawings to finish out the week.

Jul 27, 2018 @ 5:30pm

I recently started drawing my kid something everyday to get back in the habit of sketching. Mostly things he's into, like dinosaurs, robots, and seashells. Here's a few of my favorites from the past week.

To the Moon and Back
Jul 19, 2018 @ 7:00pm